Configuring a Salt master

If provisioning with Salt Cloud then a Salt Master must be created in the cloud environment.

Instance requirements

The Salt Master can run on a modestly sized instance. For example 2 vCPUs, 8 GB memory and 50 GB disk is adequate.

To setup Salt Master follow these steps. For the purpose of this guide we'll assume that:

  • The Salt Master is to be installed on a host called "saltmaster"
  • A user in the sudoers list on Salt Master is "cloud-user"


Install required software:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install python-pip python-git
sudo pip install netaddr apache-libcloud

Then download the Salt installer and install Salt Master.

wget -O
sudo sh -D -U -M stable 2015.8.10

As the bootstrap cloud did not install salt-cloud, you will need to install it manually, for doing so, please check SaltStack documentation on salt-cloud.

Replace /etc/salt/master with the following content:

## specific PNDA saltmaster config
auto_accept: True      # auto accept minion key on new minion provisioning

## Using GitFS backend
  - git
  - minion

  - file:///home/cloud-user/git_repos/saltmaster.git:
    - root: salt

gitfs_base: master

# Do not merge top.sls files across multiple environments
top_file_merging_strategy: same

   - git: __env__ file:///home/cloud-user/git_repos/saltmaster.git root=pillar

# To autoload new created modules, states add and remove salt keys,
# update bastion /etc/hosts file automatically ... add the following reactor configuration
  - 'minion_start':
    - salt://reactor/sync_all.sls
  - 'salt/cloud/*/created':
    - salt://reactor/create_bastion_host_entry.sls
  - 'salt/cloud/*/destroying':
    - salt://reactor/delete_bastion_host_entry.sls

file_recv: True

failhard: True

## end of specific PNDA saltmaster config

Then save and restart salt master process.

sudo restart salt-master

Git repository for Salt recipes

On the Salt Master instance, set up git (need to be done once and only once):

mkdir /home/cloud-user/git_repos
cd /home/cloud-user/git_repos
for r in salt-cloud.git saltmaster.git; do
  mkdir $r
  cd $r
  git --bare init
  cd -

Git repository initialization

On a developer workstation, git clone these PNDA repositories:

  • platform-salt
  • platform-salt-cloud

Then configure a remote for each repository so that you can push to the newly configured Salt Master.

cd <local-path>/platform-salt
git remote add saltmaster ssh://cloud-user@saltmaster/home/cloud-user/git_repos/saltmaster.git
cd <local-path>/platform-salt-cloud
git remote add saltmaster ssh://cloud-user@saltmaster/home/cloud-user/git_repos/salt-cloud.git

Finally, push to the Salt Master.

git push saltmaster master

Configure Salt Cloud for provisioning

To configure salt-cloud for use on the Salt Master instance:

  • Copy the content of etc/salt from the platform-salt repository to /etc/salt.
  • Modify the content of /etc/salt/cloud.providers.d/cloud_provider.conf for your cloud environment.

Configure Salt for provisioning

A Salt provisioning is configured by creating Salt pillar files in the /srv/pillar directory. These files must be referenced by the /srv/pillar/top.sls file. For example:


{{ env }}:
    - openstack
    - java
    - pnda

Mandatory configuration

Create for the following files for Salt on the Salt Master instance:


This MUST contains credentials for connecting with OpenStack.

keystone.user: <username>
keystone.password: <openstack api key>
keystone.tenant: <tenant name>
keystone.auth_url: <auth url>


This MUST contain at least the URI to the location of the PNDA package binaries. For example:

  base_uri: 'http://<private-packages-server>'

Optional configuration

You can optionally add other pillar configuration to fit you needs. For example you can set an alternate location to download Oracle JDK by creating the following file:


This provides source urls for downloading the JDK in case the Oracle mirror proves unreliable.

  source_url: 'http://<your-private-mirror>/java/jdk/8u74-b02/jdk-8u74-linux-x64.tar.gz'


In order to make use of the PNDA CLI and Salt Cloud, clone the salt-cloud repository.

For example:

cd /home/cloud-user/johndoe
git clone file:///home/cloud-user/git_repos/salt-cloud.git

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