Configure PNDA creation process


The PNDA creation process is executed over SSH using key based authentication, and controlled via a YAML configuration file.

A template YAML configuration can be found in the PNDA CLI repository.

Designate client machine

Create or designate a suitable machine for running the PNDA CLI. We recommend CentOS 7.

Obtain code

Clone the PNDA CLI repository repository from the master branch at a specific release tag (e.g. release/3.5) to the client machine.

Copy pnda_env_example.yaml to create pnda_env.yaml

SSH key pair

Create an SSH key pair for use when configuring the PNDA nodes as key_name.

ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f key_name.pem -q -N ""

Place the private key key_name.pem in the root of the pnda-cli directory.

Ensure that key_name.pem has 0600 permissions.

Configure sudo user

Create a sudo user <username> on each machine:

sudo su
adduser <username> --disabled-password --gecos ""
echo <username> ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL >> /etc/sudoers

Allow login for that user with the created key on each machine:

mkdir /home/<username>/.ssh
cat >> /home/<username>/.ssh/authorized_keys

Configure pnda_env.yaml

Set the OS user to be used in provisioning

Set OS_USER to the appropriate value.

Configure local storage of applications

Set pnda_application_repo: PR_FS_TYPE to local.

Configure NTP server

Set ntp: NTP_SERVERS to an appropriate value for your cluster.

Hadoop distribution

Decide whether you want to run the Cloudera CDH or the Hortonworks HDP Hadoop distribution.

Set hadoop.HADOOP_DISTRO to either CDH or HDP.

Set source of SaltStack provisioning scripts

The PNDA software is installed and configured using the SaltStack code found in the platform-salt repository. This can be supplied in two main ways.

Use local copy of platform-salt

A local copy of platform-salt can be used by setting platform_salt.PLATFORM_SALT_LOCAL to the path to the platform-salt folder on the client machine.

Git repository

Set platform_salt.PLATFORM_GIT_REPO_URI and platform_salt.PLATFORM_GIT_BRANCH to clone a remote git URI at the specified branch during provisioning.

If authenticated access to platform_salt.PLATFORM_GIT_REPO_URI is required then place the ssh key to use, named git.pem, in the top level directory of this repository and set platform_salt.PLATFORM_GIT_REPO_HOST to the hostname of the server.

Note Please ensure that the local clone of platform-salt or platform_salt.PLATFORM_GIT_BRANCH correspond to the same release tag as the pnda-cli repository cloned above.

PNDA mirror

Set mirrors.PNDA_MIRROR to the URI determined by the placement of the mirror and build components in the staging phase.

Other fields

There are a wide range of parameters that can be set, please refer to pnda_env_example.yaml in the PNDA CLI repository for more details.

Security Material

Perimeter security (FQDN's and associated certificates/private keys)

Access to the PNDA cluster requires user authentication over a secure connection. In order to secure this user authentication, the perimeter servers require certification material which allows validating the FQDN used to access those servers to further authenticate and secure the connection to those servers.

For PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTS, this security material MUST be generated outside the PNDA realm and dropped under the platform-certificates directory tree. Consult the README files under that same directory and sub-directories for further details on the required material.

For NON-PRODUCTION ENVIRONMENTS, a helper tool (tools/ is provided that can auto-generate the required server certificates based on an existing CA (private key) or based on a newly generated CA (when no private key is detected in the ./platform-certificates directory by the helper tool).

Cluster descriptor

Edit existing-machines/production.json (or a copy of this file) with the IP addresses for the machines in the cluster. ip_address must be reachable from each machine but does not have to be reachable from where the cli is run. Add or remove datanodes, kafka nodes, zookeeper nodes and opentsdb nodes to match the number of machines that you have.

Volume descriptor

Review the volume config mapping for your flavor so the number of disk volumes you have matches the ones being requested. By default the volumes are assigned out in descending size order, but it is possible to specify the device names and hard code the mappings in the volume config file. The disks can also be partitioned automatically. For an example of specifying device names and partitioning see this volume config file.


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