Questions & Answers

Failed to start Heat cli

0 votes
asked Jul 7 by arslan (200 points)

I am to create PNDA on openstack for that i am using the guide "". But after configure i am facing the issue during create process when it try to create PNDA cluster following is the command that i am using  "./ -e cation -n 1 -k 1  -f pico -s ~/pub_key create" below is the error that i am facing.

" ERROR (CommandError): You must provide a username or user ID via --os-username, --os-user-id, env[OS_USERNAME] or env[OS_USER_ID]
Command 'nova hypervisor-list | awk -F '|' '{print $4}' | grep -c 'up'' failed "

In the command that i used pub_key is the public key of my controller and for opennrc file i am using admin user and my environment variable is set but still no luck with it.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 7 by jeremie (3,410 points)

thanks for you question

So there are 2 points:

1. it seems that you did not load your credentials to use OpenStack api by using the openrc file. this is specify in the guide by running: 

. <project>

2. on the heat cli, you should only specify the key name, not specifying the key itself

BTW, as I saw, you are currently reading the develop branch of the PNDA guide, I would recommend staying on master branch which is currently the latest stable version (3.4)
