Questions & Answers

Clarification about Platform Requirement Guide

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asked 4 days ago by kingpinH (320 points)

1. Openstack Requirements:
"The 'cluster' should be set up...."  - I am assuming that this is the openstack cluster being talked about. Would be nice to qualify what cluster is being talked about.

2. Openstack Swift
"Needs two container" - Would be nice to mention container names if they are specific, and later in the guide 'Data Archive' asks for another container.

3. Application Packages:
What is to be uploaded into these containers? Am I to create the 'releases' folder?
Where is the pnda.apps_container and pnda.apps_folder config? And how come salt pillar came up here? Do we run some script before this to create the VMs, as I understand that salt will be setup using the 'script'

4. Heat CLuster config: Needs reformatting.

I have a machine with enough resources and devstack running. To bring up pico, I started following the Platform Requirements guide, but I am not able to identify the steps needed to do so.

2 Answers

0 votes
answered 3 days ago by trsmith2 (1,740 points)

You'll need to read these sections to understand  the steps to create PNDA 3.4 on OpenStack. "Platform requirements" is only concerned with the target platform pre-requisites. 

  • Platform requirements
  • Building PNDA
  • Getting started with Heat
  • Creating images for use with Heat templates
  • Using the PNDA Heat templates
0 votes
answered 3 days ago by James Clarke (1,630 points)
2. The names are user configurable, there are just two needed, one for PNDA application packages and one for archiving data to.

3. The pnda_apps_container and pnda_apps_folder are set in pnda_env.yaml. These values in the YAML do make their way into the salt pillar, but the guide should reference setting them in the yaml not the pillar. You need to create the folder "pnda_apps_folder" ("releases" by default). What goes in here are PNDA application packages (see,,

4. yes github changed their markdown parser, this has been fixed on the develop branch but not ported to master yet.

On next steps, if openstack is all running, you need to create the VM flavours (ec2.m3.xlarge etc) then move onto this step in the guide (