Questions & Answers

The PNDA console is still inaccessible. Not sure whether the PNDA is fully installed, HEAT display is successful.

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asked Apr 24 by yihli (260 points)
Has spent almost one month on PNDA's installation,your help is greatly appreciated.

Not worked,i have ssh to EDGE_NODE and use curl IP_OF_YOUR_EDGE_NODE_INTERNAL_IP,but not worked.

  root@cation-cdh-edge:/var/lib# curl
  curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80: Connection refused
  root@cation-cdh-edge:/var/lib# curl
  curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80: Connection refused

I aslo try to add a FLOATING_IP for EDGE_NODE then access the http://FLOATING_IP, no content too.

HEAT shows installed successfully,but i find some errors on the saltmaster Node.

addtional questions,

 1)I use PICO installation,should i change to standard?

 2)I find now all nodes created in the openstack only have ec2-user, don't have cloud-user ,have checked on /etc/passwd

 3)What's the framework for PNDA console, apache? nodejs?

Errors as below:

root@cation-saltmaster:/var/lib/heat-config/heat-config-script# more  salt-highstate-2017-04-21-08:18:23.log
  Name: grafana-server_pkg - Function: pkg.installed - Result: Changed
          ID: grafana-server_start
    Function: service.running
        Name: grafana-server
      Result: False
     Comment: Service grafana-server has been enabled, and is dead
     Started: 10:16:52.262217
    Duration: 30317.26 ms

Summary for cation-cdh-mgr1
Succeeded: 41 (changed=35)
Failed:     1
Total states run:     42
    Minion did not return. [No response]
    Minion did not return. [No response]
    Minion did not return. [No response]

root@cation-saltmaster:/var/lib/heat-config/heat-config-script# more salt-orchestrate-2017-04-21-10:21:41.log
          ID: cdh-run_cloudera_user
    Function: salt.state
      Result: False
     Comment: Run failed on minions: cation-cdh-edge, cation-cdh-dn-0, cation-cdh-mgr1
                            ID: cdh-create_cloudera_user
                      Function: user.present
                          Name: cloudera
                        Result: True
                       Comment: New user cloudera created
                       Started: 08:46:24.579392
                            ID: cdh-get-cloudera-public-key
                          Name: cp.get_file
                        Result: True
                       Comment: Module function cp.get_file executed
                            ID: cdh-add_authorized_key
                      Function: ssh_auth.present
                        Result: False
                       Comment: An exception occurred in this state: Traceback (most recent call last):
                                    with salt.utils.fopen(fn_, 'r') as fp_:
                                  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/utils/", line 1215, in fopen
                                    fhandle = open(*args, **kwargs)
                                IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/'
                       Started: 08:46:26.223835
                      Duration: 44.102 ms
                  Summary for cation-cdh-edge
                  Succeeded: 2 (changed=2)
                  Failed:    1
                  Total states run:     3
                            ID: cdh-create_cloudera_user
                      Function: user.present
                          Name: cloudera
                        Result: True
                       Comment: New user cloudera created
                       Started: 08:46:29.881845
                      Duration: 889.345 ms
                            ID: cdh-get-cloudera-public-key
                          Name: cp.get_file
                        Result: True
                       Comment: Module function cp.get_file executed
                       Started: 08:46:30.820416
                      Duration: 299.64 ms
                            ID: cdh-add_authorized_key
                      Function: ssh_auth.present
                        Result: False
                       Comment: An exception occurred in this state: Traceback (most recent call last):

                                    with salt.utils.fopen(fn_, 'r') as fp_:
                                  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/utils/", line 1215, in fopen
                                    fhandle = open(*args, **kwargs)
                                IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/'
                       Started: 08:46:31.150238
                      Duration: 41.255 ms
                  Summary for cation-cdh-dn-0
                  Succeeded: 2 (changed=2)
                  Failed:    1
                  Total states run:     3
                            ID: cdh-create_cloudera_user
                      Function: user.present
                          Name: cloudera
                        Result: True
                       Comment: New user cloudera created
                       Started: 10:23:38.482593
                      Duration: 2772.827 ms
                            ID: cdh-get-cloudera-public-key
                          Name: cp.get_file
                        Result: True
                       Comment: Module function cp.get_file executed
                       Started: 10:23:41.268895
                      Duration: 497.261 ms
                            ID: cdh-add_authorized_key
                      Function: ssh_auth.present
                        Result: False
                       Comment: An exception occurred in this state: Traceback (most recent call last):
                                    with salt.utils.fopen(fn_, 'r') as fp_:
                                  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/salt/utils/", line 1215, in fopen
                                    fhandle = open(*args, **kwargs)
                                IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/'
                       Started: 10:23:41.860255
                      Duration: 180.815 ms
                  Summary for cation-cdh-mgr1
                  Succeeded: 2 (changed=2)
                  Failed:    1
                  Total states run:     3
     Started: 10:23:16.032108
    Duration: 27262.98 ms

Summary for cation-saltmaster_master
Succeeded: 0
Failed:    1
Total states run:     1
related to an answer for: can't access PNDA console

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