Questions & Answers

Pnda Creation failed

0 votes
asked Jul 10 by arslan (200 points)

I am trying to create Pnda cluster but creation failed with the following error i didn't find the source of the error. Below is the Error that i am getting any help?

./ -e pnda-cluster -n 1  -k 1 -f pico -s mykey create
    ____  _   ______  ___
   / __ \/ | / / __ \/   |
  / /_/ /  |/ / / / / /| |
 / ____/ /|  / /_/ / ___ |
/_/   /_/ |_/_____/_/  |_|

Please wait while your PNDA cluster is being created.

This process can last for 1 or 2 hours.

{'create_network': 1, 'create_datanodes_group': 0, 'package_repository_fs_type': 'swift', 'create_kafkanodes_group': 0, 'create_zknodes_group': 0, 'create_volumes': 1, 'create_bastion': 1}
processing template file: /home/ubuntu/pnda-heat-templates/templates/pico/pnda.yaml.j2
processing template file: /home/ubuntu/pnda-heat-templates/templates/pico/mgr1.yaml.j2
processing template file: /home/ubuntu/pnda-heat-templates/templates/pico/kafka.yaml.j2
processing template file: /home/ubuntu/pnda-heat-templates/templates/pico/dn.yaml.j2
processing template file: /home/ubuntu/pnda-heat-templates/templates/pico/pnda_cluster.yaml.j2
processing template file: /home/ubuntu/pnda-heat-templates/templates/pico/bastion.yaml.j2
processing template file: /home/ubuntu/pnda-heat-templates/templates/pico/edge.yaml.j2
openstack stack create --timeout 120 --wait --template pnda.yaml --environment pnda_env.yaml --parameter ZookeeperNodes=0 --parameter KafkaNodes=1 --parameter DataNodes=1 --parameter OpentsdbNodes=0 --parameter PndaFlavor=pico --parameter KeyName=mykey pnda-cluster
ERROR: Failed to validate: : resources.pnda_cluster: : Failed to validate: resources.manager1: HEAT-E99001 Service cinder is not available for resource type OS::Cinder::Volume, reason: cinder volumev3 endpoint is not in service catalog.
Command 'openstack stack create --timeout 120 --wait --template pnda.yaml --environment pnda_env.yaml --parameter ZookeeperNodes=0 --parameter KafkaNodes=1 --parameter DataNodes=1 --parameter OpentsdbNodes=0 --parameter PndaFlavor=pico --parameter KeyName=mykey pnda-cluster' failed

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 10 by trsmith2 (3,160 points)
What I see in the above message is -

ERROR: Failed to validate: : resources.pnda_cluster: : Failed to validate: resources.manager1: HEAT-E99001 Service cinder is not available for resource type OS::Cinder::Volume, reason: cinder volumev3 endpoint is not in service catalog.

This would indicate that you need to have an OpenStack administrator take a look at your OpenStack installation and verify it working correctly, before deploying a system like PNDA on top of it.
commented Jul 10 by arslan (200 points)
Openstack is working perfectly fine following is the output of

openstack compute service list

| ID | Binary           | Host       | Zone     | Status  | State | Updated At                 |
|  6 | nova-consoleauth | controller | internal | enabled | up    | 2017-07-10T12:34:40.000000 |
|  7 | nova-scheduler   | controller | internal | enabled | up    | 2017-07-10T12:34:40.000000 |
|  8 | nova-conductor   | controller | internal | enabled | up    | 2017-07-10T12:34:46.000000 |
| 10 | nova-compute     | compute1   | nova     | enabled | up    | 2017-07-10T12:34:45.000000 |
| 11 | nova-compute     | compute2   | nova     | enabled | up    | 2017-07-10T12:34:46.000000 |
commented Jul 10 by trsmith2 (3,160 points)
In that case it should be possible to create a Cinder volume. Please prove that works via command line tools and post the output here.