Questions & Answers

Has anybody deployed pnda in unbuntu 14.04 successfully?

0 votes
asked Jun 18 by maxiao (840 points)
I tried many times , but still failed. Has anybody deployed pnda in unbuntu 14.04 successfully?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 19 by trsmith2 (3,160 points)
PNDA is deployed on both Ubuntu and RHEL in both Pico and Standard configurations many times every day in automated testing.
commented Jun 21 by maxiao (840 points)
If so , cloud you give me one os-collect-config.conf from salt manager vm ?

I don't know the configuration file of mine is right or not.

root@cation-little001-saltmaster:/home/cloud-user# cat /etc/os-collect-config.conf
commented Jun 21 by maxiao (840 points)
And could you provide me one ubuntu 14.04 image for pnda-base ? I am troubleshooting one problem and not true if it is caused by my image.
commented Jun 21 by jeremie (3,410 points) 1 flag
I think you've got something wrong in your environment, could you give me more details about your OpenStack environment and also if you follow pnda-dib-elements for building your PNDA base image?

here is what I have so far:
[cloud-user@jiji-7-saltmaster ~]$ sudo cat /etc/os-collect-config.conf
command = os-refresh-config
collectors = ec2
collectors = request
collectors = local

metadata_url = http://xxxxx:8080/v1/AUTH_xxxxxxx/jiji-7-saltmaster_server-xxxxx?temp_url_sig=xxxxx&temp_url_expires=xxxx
commented Jun 22 by maxiao (840 points)
edited Jun 22 by maxiao
Thank you very much! It is because my PNDA base image is not made correctly.
I re-build my base image , and the create one new stack. Then another error happens:

[root@overcloud-controller-1 heat-admin]# openstack stack failures list cation001
  resource_type: OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment
  physical_resource_id: 6e249670-c317-4127-87ff-5ec5027357d9
  status_reason: |
    AttributeError: resources.deploy_install: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'itervalues'
  deploy_stdout: |

I login the vm and see:

root@cation001-saltmaster:/home/cloud-user# cat /var/log/salt/master
2017-06-21 16:38:53,959 [salt.cli.daemons ][WARNING ][3326] IMPORTANT: Do not use md5 hashing algorithm! Please set "hash_type" to sha256 in Salt Master config!
2017-06-21 16:39:04,525 [salt.cli.daemons ][WARNING ][3564] IMPORTANT: Do not use md5 hashing algorithm! Please set "hash_type" to sha256 in Salt Master config!
2017-06-21 16:39:52,709 [salt.cli.daemons ][WARNING ][4216] IMPORTANT: Do not use md5 hashing algorithm! Please set "hash_type" to sha256 in Salt Master config!

Cloud you help me for this error?
commented Jun 22 by trsmith2 (3,160 points)
I don't think the warning in the salt log in the VM is relevant.

Please create the following script, run it giving the name of your stack as the only parameter, then find the output which will be called <stack name>.stack.log, and post the output here.

echo "$D" > $LOG
stacks=$(openstack stack list --nested | grep $1)
for stackline in $stacks; do echo $stackline >> $LOG 2>&1; done
for stackline in $stacks
    stack=$(echo $stackline | awk '{print $4}')
    echo "*** stack $stack"
    resources=$(openstack stack resource list $stack)
    for resourceline in $resources; do echo $resourceline >> $LOG 2>&1; done
    for resourceline in $resources
        rname=$(echo $resourceline | awk '{print $2}')
        if [[ -z "$rname" ]] || [[ "$rname" == "resource_name" ]]; then continue; fi
        ruid=$(echo $resourceline | awk '{print $4}')
        rtype=$(echo $resourceline | awk '{print $6}')
        rstatus=$(echo $resourceline | awk '{print $8}')
        echo "*** stack $stack resource $rname"
        if [[ "$rstatus" != "CREATE_COMPLETE" ]]; then
            echo "*** stack $stack resource $rname show" >> $LOG 2>&1
            openstack stack resource show $stack $rname -f yaml >> $LOG 2>&1
        if [[ "$rtype" == "OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployment" ]]; then
            echo "*** stack $stack resource $rname deployment output show" >> $LOG 2>&1
            openstack software deployment output show --all $ruid --long >> $LOG 2>&1
commented Jun 22 by maxiao (840 points)
Thank you very much . The log is really not relevant.
I found the problem wase because the nova-conductor had something wrong.
Then I rebuild the stack, and another problem bellow happened:

OS::Pnda::cluster    BadRequest: resources.pnda_cluster.resources.edge.resources.logvolume: The server could not comply with the request since it is either malformed or otherwise incorrect. (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-1fd660d1-3414-4c5b-89ac-6a29e749191b)

  resource_type: OS::Cinder::Volume
  status_reason: |
    BadRequest: resources.logvolume: The server could not comply with the request since it is either malformed or otherwise incorrect. (HTTP 400) (Request-ID: req-1fd660d1-3414-4c5b-89ac-6a29e749191b)
0 votes
answered Jun 21 by trsmith2 (3,160 points)

If you are looking to try PNDA in a non-production environment you may be interested in this:
