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Failed on

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asked May 1 by yihli (260 points)

I use pnda-heat-templates,now failed on deploy_orchestrate.

Seems failed on cdh-edge Node and failed on below step

Comment: Command "/tmp/pnda-install/cdh.setup_hadoop/venv/bin/python /tmp/pnda-install/cdh.setup_hadoop/" run.

I aslo checked the cm_setup.log ,Error INFO: “Giving up on create_hosts”, failed on the below code in the,

if len(hosts_toinstall) > 0:

    for attempt in xrange(1, 4):'Host install attempt %d', attempt)
        success, msgs = wait_on_command(cloudera_manager.host_install(user,
        if success:
            logging.warn('create_hosts: ' + ' '.join(msgs))
            if attempt == 3:
                logging.error('Giving up on create_hosts: ' + ' '.join(msgs))

Any Suggestion?

Thank you very much.

1 Answer

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answered May 2 by James Clarke (1,630 points)
In Cloudera Manager go to: http://cm-host:7180/cmf/commands/commands (you can find this in the UI by clicking "Running Commands" > "All Recent Commands")

Then click on "Hosts Install"

Then for the host that failed, click the "Context" icon link

Then "Download Result Data"

There will be useful information in there.