Questions & Answers

pnda and swift errors

+1 vote
asked Feb 7 by shejoshi (260 points)

I am trying to setup pnda standard on openstack 3.0.0 version. Pnda_cluster deploy fails with below error. Your help is greatly appreciated. I am stuck at this point and can’t proceed further.

./ -e pnda-cluster -n 3 -o 1 -k 2 -z 3 -f standard -s pnda create

Resource Create Failed: Remoteerror: Resources.Deploy Install: Remote Error: Clientexception Object Head Failed: Http:// 88798ee06ebd4409be26e437cd07ec35/A4913856-C4e6-4a3c-9b5d-647e3767ccdd/Pnda-Cluster-Deploy Install-4hzazk5l5obh 401 Unauthorized [U'Traceback (Most Recent Call Last):\N', U' File "/Var/Lib/Kolla/Venv/Local/Lib/Python2.7/Site-Packages/Oslo Messaging/Rpc/Server.Py", Line 133, In Process Incoming\N Res = Self.Dispatcher.Dispatch(Message)\N', U' File "/Var/Lib/Kolla/Venv/Local/Lib/Python2.7/Site-Packages/Oslo Messaging/Rpc/Dispatcher.Py", Line 150, In Dispatch\N Return Self. Do Dispatch(Endpoint, Method, Ctxt, Args)\N', U' File "/Var/Lib/Kolla/Venv/Local/Lib/Python2.7/Site-Packages/Oslo Messaging/Rpc/Dispatcher.Py", Line 121, In Do Dispatch\N Result = Func(Ctxt, **New Args)\N', U' File "/Var/Lib/Kolla/Venv/Local/Lib/Python2.7/Site-Packages/Osprofiler/Profiler.Py", Line 154, In Wrapper\N Return F(*Args, **Kwargs)\N', U' File "/Var/Lib/Kolla/Venv/Local/Lib/Python2.7/Site-Packages/Heat/Common/Context.Py", Line 424, In Wrapped\N Return Func(Self, Ctx, *Args, **Kwargs)\N', U' File "/Var/Lib/Kolla/Venv/Local/Lib/Python2.7/Site-Packages/Heat/Engine/Service.Py", Line 2215, In Show Software Deployment\N Cnxt, Deployment Id)\N', U' File "/Var/Lib/Kolla/Venv/Local/Lib/Python2.7/Site-Packages/Heat/Engine/Service Software Config.Py", Line 239, In Show Software Deployment\N Sd = Self. Show Software Deployment(Cnxt, Deployment Id)\N', U' File "/Var/Lib/Kolla/Venv/Local/Lib/Python2.7/Site-Packages/Heat/Engine/Service Software Config.Py", Line 232, In Show Software Deployment\N Cnxt, Sd, Input Values.Get(\'Deploy Signal Id\'))\N', U' File "/Var/Lib/Kolla/Venv/Local/Lib/Python2.7/Site-Packages/Heat/Engine/Service Software Config.Py", Line 136, In Refresh Swift Software Deployment\N Headers = Swift.Head Object(Container, Object Name)\N', U' File "/Var/Lib/Kolla/Venv/Local/Lib/Python2.7/Site-Packages/Swiftclient/Client.Py", Line 1744, In Head Object\N Return Self. Retry(None, Head Object, Container, Obj, Headers=Headers)\N', U' File "/Var/Lib/Kolla/Venv/Local/Lib/Python2.7/Site-Packages/Swiftclient/Client.Py", Line 1647, In Retry\N Service Token=Self.Service Token, **Kwargs)\N', U' File "/Var/Lib/Kolla/Venv/Local/Lib/Python2.7/Site-Packages/Swiftclient/Client.Py", Line 1186, In Head Object\N Raise Clientexception.From Response(Resp, \'Object Head Failed\', Body)\N', U'Clientexception: Object Head Failed: Http:// 88798ee06ebd4409be26e437cd07ec35/A4913856-C4e6-4a3c-9b5d-647e3767ccdd/Pnda-Cluster-Deploy Install-4hzazk5l5obh 401 Unauthorized\N'].

I have created containers in admin tenant. And below are my pnda_env.yaml settings.
  keystone_user: 'admin'
  # keystone_user: Password for the openstack clients to use
  keystone_password: 'admin1'
  # keystone_tenant: Name of the tenant / project in the openstack environment. The
  # PNDA stack will be created in this project.
  keystone_tenant: 'service'
  # keystone_auth_url: Keystone authentication URL. The Openstack console provides this
  # under the Access & Security section.
  keystone_auth_url: ''
And my open.rc as below.
#export OS_DOMAIN_ID=default
#export OS_DOMAIN_NAME=Default
export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID=default
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_ID=default
#export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=Default
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=admin
export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin
export OS_USERNAME=admin
export OS_PASSWORD=admin1
export OS_AUTH_URL=

 Openstack : Kolla
Python libs versions:
python-cinderclient (1.11.0)
python-glanceclient (2.6.0)
python-heatclient (1.8.0)
python-keystoneclient (3.10.0)
python-neutronclient (6.1.0)
python-novaclient (7.1.0)
python-openstackclient (3.8.1)
python-swiftclient (3.3.0)

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jun 20 by maxiao (840 points)
selected Jun 21 by trsmith2
Best answer
Meet same problem..
commented Jun 20 by yihli (310 points)
you need config tempurl   in the pipeline of proxy-server for swift component
commented Jun 20 by maxiao (840 points)
Cloud you tell me more about the tempurl ?
commented Jun 20 by trsmith2 (3,160 points)
In addition, I can highly recommend the excellent documentation on the OpenStack site
commented Jun 21 by yihli (310 points)
you need to learn pipeline of proxy-server, as my understand ,it's a authority way.  tempurl    ues token to validate url
0 votes
answered Mar 14 by jeremie (3,410 points)


Would it be possible to have the full output from the heat CLI and also what the command 

openstack stack show pnda-cluster 

gives you?


commented Mar 15 by shejoshi (260 points)
I moved onto AWS vs Openstack, but I will soon have to try it back on Openstack, will let you know then.

Thanks again for your comments.